Along this course you will be guided through a rational pathway touching different topics in the field of electronics. By following a theoretical approach with practical examples connected to the scientific laboratory environment, the course is open to everybody who aims to understand and take advantage of electronics as a tool for their research. Minimal knowledge of mathematics in required, as whatever necessary to develop the framework will be explained in the class. There will be a gentle introduction to vectors, complex numbers and Fourier analysis in order to be able to understand electronic signals and filters. Then there will be some reminders of physics in order to be able to understand how the fundamental electronics components (resistors, capacitors, inductors and semiconductors) work. After having developed a theoretical basis we will move into the real world of electronics, analysing circuits in both analog and digital domain, with examples on amplifiers, CPUs, neural networks and methods to manage the electromagnetic noise disturbance when working with real laboratory measurement instrumentation.
The textbook for this course and some other supplementary material is freely available here.
You can also find all the video recordings of last year's classes at this youtube channel.