News and Events

Good job Vladimir, Alessio & Daniele


11/04/2018 - 16:30

We are happy to announce the publication in Current Biology of  “Accuracy of rats in discriminating visual objects is explained by the complexity of their perceptual strategy.” (link here for the main article and here for an accompanying Dispatch of Philippe Schyns). The paper originated in the doctoral thesis of Vladimir Djurdjevic, supervised by Davide Zoccolan, and explains how the variability of rat perceptual strategies accounts for the variable proficiency of the animals in complex object discrimination tasks.


SISSA Colloquium | Spaces of finite networks


04/04/2018 - 16:00

Many phenomena in mathematics and science can be modeled by drawing finite networks whose nodes are connected by edges with specified lengths. After imposing various natural constraints, the set of all such models forms a geometric space, with one point for each possible model.

Colloquium by Karen Vogtmann


04/04/2018 - 16:00 to 17:30

Many phenomena in mathematics and science can be modeled by drawing finite networks whose nodes are connected by edges with specified lengths. After imposing various natural constraints, the set of all such models forms a geometric space, with one point for each possible model.

Nice work, Athena!


08/02/2018 - 13:45

We are delighted to announce the publication in Nature of  “Posterior parietal cortex represents sensory history and mediates its effects on behaviour.” (link here for main article and

Well done, Nader ! !


05/02/2018 - 16:15

We are excited to announce the publication in Neuron of  “Supralinear and Supramodal Integration of Visual and Tactile Signals in Rats: Psychophysics and Neuronal Mechanisms.” (link here and

Congrats Liuba!


31/08/2017 - 11:45

We're very very happy to announce that a Cognitive Neuroscience graduate at SISSA, Liuba Papeo, has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant, the most competitive European research grant and the hallmark for Cog Neuro rising stars.

Congrats Chris!


11/08/2017 - 22:15

We're proud to announce that Chris Mathys, who recently joined our sector, has just published an article in the prestigious Science journal.
